The Skin Care
SKIN CARE with natural ingredients:
My grandmother lived to be 98 and her skin was well moisturized and smooth up to the last days of her life. What was her secret? She learned to use the gifts of nature’s pharmacy, ate organic foods and used her special blend of oils to keep her skin beautiful.
I’ve been using her special blend to moisturize and nourish my skin, and I got many compliments in my life.
Why use essential oils to make your skin supple and well moisturized?
Our ancestors used base and essential oils for centuries with great success. The first documented beauty was Cleopatra, she used almond and rose oils to keep her skin supple and beautiful. Only the past 50 years or so since the cosmetic industry developed thousands of creams and lotions, using essential oils to moisturize skin became taboo. Why? Simply because selling natural oils is not profitable.
The cosmetic industry provides us with thousands and thousands of skin care products. The question is: do you want to use them if you’re conscious about your health?
Natural, organic oils made with cold pressed methods on the other hand, moisturize and nourish the deep layers of your skin.
Let’s talk about creams and lotions:
When you try to read and understand the long list of the ingredients on creams and lotions, I bet you give up after reading the second line.
We’re so careful nowadays with what we’re putting into our stomachs. What about our skin? Everything that we apply to our skin goes right into our body as well. The long list of chemicals can affect not only your skin, but also your organs by creating yet unknown chemical bonds and reactions as well as hormonal changes. Nobody would suspect an innocent looking moisturizer 15 years from now as a cause of some of your health or autoimmune problems.
They say, don’t put oil on your skin, but the truth is that in order to make a cream, you need base oil, stabilizer and preservative to cook it into cream. So, you have been putting oils on your skin, just not the right ones. The chemists today are doing a wonderful job of replacing natural ingredients with unpronounceable chemicals in order to make the creams and lotions presentable and acceptable. The truth is that all most creams and lotions do is just strip the natural sebum and dead skin from the top layer of your skin and add a thin layer that gives you the feeling of soft and moisturized skin. However, as soon as you wash it off or just stay in a dry room for some time, your skin becomes dry and thirsty for moisture, because below the top layer, your skin is dry.
The myth that facial oils cause breakouts and clog your pores is nothing but a myth. Quality facial oils when used correctly can protect and nourish your skin without clogging your pores or affect your health. My philosophy as a Naturopath is that “If you can’t eat or drink it safely, don’t put it on your skin either”.
Rose-promotes cell turnover, has anti-wrinkle properties
Sweet almond- excellent antioxidant, very absorbent, emollient, softens, soothes and balances the skin. High in vitamin B17 that is a known cancer preventing vitamin.
Rosehip-smooth wrinkles, softens dry, dehydrated skin, high in essential fatty acids
Hazelnut-astringent, anti-inflammatory, rich in vitamins
Avocado-deep moisturizer, rich in vitamins
Jojoba-a natural antioxidant, its absorption properties are similar to the skin’s own sebum, deep moisturizer
Vitamin E-anti-oxidant, smooth scars, heals acne
Geranium-balances oily skin helps heal acne, eczema, dermatitis
Lemongrass-anti-wrinkle properties, hydrating, nourishing
Lavender-balancing, rejuvenating
Neroli-helps restore skin's PH balance, rejuvenates wrinkled, weathered skin
Chamomile-soothes dry, inflamed skin, anti-inflammatory
Frankinsence-rejuvenates, balances all skin types
Juniper-clears oily, congested skin
Orange-lifts and tightens slack skin, wrinkle reducer
Ylang-ylang excellent toner, rejuvenates skin, wrinkle reducer
Apricot kernel-softens and protects the skin without leaving an oily residue, smooth existing wrinkles, prevents new wrinkle formation. It contains high amount of vitamin B17, a cancer preventing vitamin.
To remove dead skin, refresh the deeper layers of the skin and promote cell turnover, mix:
2 tsp of oatmeal flour
1-2 tsp water or yogurt
1 tsp of honey to make a thin, but not watery consistency paste
You can add one or two of the following according to your skin type for increased vitamin and mineral intake:
Skin types:
Normal skin: smooth and supple, clear in appearance, firm
Apply to your face accept around your eyes
Leave it on for 1-15 minutes
Rub the mask off gently with your fingertips, rinse with warm water
Moisturize your skin
Base mix:
2 teaspoon oatmeal flour
1 teaspoon yogurt
1 teaspoon honey to make medium consistency paste
Alpha hydroxy acids reduce wrinkles, spots and other signs of aging but using them in our moisturizers every day in synthetic form is not without danger. Using them daily leaves the skin vulnerable to sun damage and infections. By adding natural alpha hydroxy acid containing fruits or vegetables to your every third week face mask ensures the removal of dead cells without the side effects of the synthetic acids.
You can add any of the following to your base mix:
For stronger peeling effect you can use papain by adding papaya or bromelain by adding crushed pineapple to the mix. These are not recommended for sensitive skin, patch test should be done before using them.
Apply the mixture to your face and neck, except around your eyes
Leave it on for 15-20 minutes
Rinse with warm water, moisturize
Very messy, so I recommend using it weekly, before you clean your shower.
½ cup sugar, pour almond, pure olive or coconut oil on it to make a thick honey consistency paste. You can add 4-5 drops essential oils from the list mentioned above, according to your skin’s needs. Shower with your usual soap, rinse and then rub the sugar-oil mixture on your body with circular motion. Rinse it off and pat-dry your skin
My grandmother lived to be 98 and her skin was well moisturized and smooth up to the last days of her life. What was her secret? She learned to use the gifts of nature’s pharmacy, ate organic foods and used her special blend of oils to keep her skin beautiful.
I’ve been using her special blend to moisturize and nourish my skin, and I got many compliments in my life.
Why use essential oils to make your skin supple and well moisturized?
Our ancestors used base and essential oils for centuries with great success. The first documented beauty was Cleopatra, she used almond and rose oils to keep her skin supple and beautiful. Only the past 50 years or so since the cosmetic industry developed thousands of creams and lotions, using essential oils to moisturize skin became taboo. Why? Simply because selling natural oils is not profitable.
The cosmetic industry provides us with thousands and thousands of skin care products. The question is: do you want to use them if you’re conscious about your health?
Natural, organic oils made with cold pressed methods on the other hand, moisturize and nourish the deep layers of your skin.
Let’s talk about creams and lotions:
When you try to read and understand the long list of the ingredients on creams and lotions, I bet you give up after reading the second line.
We’re so careful nowadays with what we’re putting into our stomachs. What about our skin? Everything that we apply to our skin goes right into our body as well. The long list of chemicals can affect not only your skin, but also your organs by creating yet unknown chemical bonds and reactions as well as hormonal changes. Nobody would suspect an innocent looking moisturizer 15 years from now as a cause of some of your health or autoimmune problems.
They say, don’t put oil on your skin, but the truth is that in order to make a cream, you need base oil, stabilizer and preservative to cook it into cream. So, you have been putting oils on your skin, just not the right ones. The chemists today are doing a wonderful job of replacing natural ingredients with unpronounceable chemicals in order to make the creams and lotions presentable and acceptable. The truth is that all most creams and lotions do is just strip the natural sebum and dead skin from the top layer of your skin and add a thin layer that gives you the feeling of soft and moisturized skin. However, as soon as you wash it off or just stay in a dry room for some time, your skin becomes dry and thirsty for moisture, because below the top layer, your skin is dry.
The myth that facial oils cause breakouts and clog your pores is nothing but a myth. Quality facial oils when used correctly can protect and nourish your skin without clogging your pores or affect your health. My philosophy as a Naturopath is that “If you can’t eat or drink it safely, don’t put it on your skin either”.
Rose-promotes cell turnover, has anti-wrinkle properties
Sweet almond- excellent antioxidant, very absorbent, emollient, softens, soothes and balances the skin. High in vitamin B17 that is a known cancer preventing vitamin.
Rosehip-smooth wrinkles, softens dry, dehydrated skin, high in essential fatty acids
Hazelnut-astringent, anti-inflammatory, rich in vitamins
Avocado-deep moisturizer, rich in vitamins
Jojoba-a natural antioxidant, its absorption properties are similar to the skin’s own sebum, deep moisturizer
Vitamin E-anti-oxidant, smooth scars, heals acne
Geranium-balances oily skin helps heal acne, eczema, dermatitis
Lemongrass-anti-wrinkle properties, hydrating, nourishing
Lavender-balancing, rejuvenating
Neroli-helps restore skin's PH balance, rejuvenates wrinkled, weathered skin
Chamomile-soothes dry, inflamed skin, anti-inflammatory
Frankinsence-rejuvenates, balances all skin types
Juniper-clears oily, congested skin
Orange-lifts and tightens slack skin, wrinkle reducer
Ylang-ylang excellent toner, rejuvenates skin, wrinkle reducer
Apricot kernel-softens and protects the skin without leaving an oily residue, smooth existing wrinkles, prevents new wrinkle formation. It contains high amount of vitamin B17, a cancer preventing vitamin.
To remove dead skin, refresh the deeper layers of the skin and promote cell turnover, mix:
2 tsp of oatmeal flour
1-2 tsp water or yogurt
1 tsp of honey to make a thin, but not watery consistency paste
You can add one or two of the following according to your skin type for increased vitamin and mineral intake:
Skin types:
Normal skin: smooth and supple, clear in appearance, firm
- banana, watermelon, egg yolk
- avocado, banana, pear, peach, raspberry, watermelon, apricot, egg yolk
- whipped egg white, cucumber juice, tomato, grapefruit, lemon or white grape
- egg yolk, banana, cucumber juice, apple, watermelon, apricot
Apply to your face accept around your eyes
Leave it on for 1-15 minutes
Rub the mask off gently with your fingertips, rinse with warm water
Moisturize your skin
Base mix:
2 teaspoon oatmeal flour
1 teaspoon yogurt
1 teaspoon honey to make medium consistency paste
Alpha hydroxy acids reduce wrinkles, spots and other signs of aging but using them in our moisturizers every day in synthetic form is not without danger. Using them daily leaves the skin vulnerable to sun damage and infections. By adding natural alpha hydroxy acid containing fruits or vegetables to your every third week face mask ensures the removal of dead cells without the side effects of the synthetic acids.
You can add any of the following to your base mix:
- Lactic acids: buttermilk, yogurt, powdered milk, sour cream, black berries, tomato
- Citric acids: lemon, grapefruit, orange
- Malic acids: apple
- Glycolic acids: brown sugar from sugarcane
For stronger peeling effect you can use papain by adding papaya or bromelain by adding crushed pineapple to the mix. These are not recommended for sensitive skin, patch test should be done before using them.
Apply the mixture to your face and neck, except around your eyes
Leave it on for 15-20 minutes
Rinse with warm water, moisturize
Very messy, so I recommend using it weekly, before you clean your shower.
½ cup sugar, pour almond, pure olive or coconut oil on it to make a thick honey consistency paste. You can add 4-5 drops essential oils from the list mentioned above, according to your skin’s needs. Shower with your usual soap, rinse and then rub the sugar-oil mixture on your body with circular motion. Rinse it off and pat-dry your skin