Messenger - #2 in the Seven Cozy Shorts collection
A cozy supernatural suspense novelette
Lauren has everything she’d ever wished for. Great career, financial security, loving husband, and devoted friends.
When her Raven spirit guide warns her of impending danger, she takes the omen seriously, but she doesn’t have enough time to perform the protection spell her grandmother taught her. Someone breaks into her office and after the brutal attack and the Raven’s repeated warnings, she knows her life is still in danger.
Who wants her dead and why?
Harbinger of danger, the Raven calls
Omen of perils that will befall
Ignoring its warning, does not bode well
Time of the essence, cast protection spell
Kraa from the oak, flapping black feather wings
Her heart knows the message it brings
~Cindy J. Smith
Lauren has everything she’d ever wished for. Great career, financial security, loving husband, and devoted friends.
When her Raven spirit guide warns her of impending danger, she takes the omen seriously, but she doesn’t have enough time to perform the protection spell her grandmother taught her. Someone breaks into her office and after the brutal attack and the Raven’s repeated warnings, she knows her life is still in danger.
Who wants her dead and why?
Harbinger of danger, the Raven calls
Omen of perils that will befall
Ignoring its warning, does not bode well
Time of the essence, cast protection spell
Kraa from the oak, flapping black feather wings
Her heart knows the message it brings
~Cindy J. Smith
A supernatural suspense thriller
Spanish Edition
Una acogedora novela de suspenso sobrenatural
Lauren tiene todo lo que siempre había deseado. Gran carrera, seguridad financiera, esposo amoroso y amigos devotos. Cuando su guía espiritual Raven le advierte del peligro inminente, ella toma el presagio en serio, pero no tiene tiempo suficiente para realizar el hechizo de protección que le enseñó su abuela. Alguien irrumpe en su oficina y después del brutal ataque y las repetidas advertencias del Cuervo, ella sabe que su vida está en peligro. ¿Quién la quiere muerta y por qué? |
Read an excerpt from the book
Lauren stood by the open window of her second-story office. The sun was about to set and painted the top of the trees in the park across the street with golden light. Shaking her long auburn hair from the constricting ponytail, she enjoyed the beautiful view after the hectic day of treating patients with all kinds of problems. She sipped her tea, leaned on the window frame and watched people hurrying about their business on the sidewalk. A noisy group of teenagers was shooting hoops in the park’s playground and a flock of pigeons fought with a pesky squirrel that was about to steal the tasty seeds, courtesy of Mrs. Wilkins. The old lady fed the birds every day, rain or shine.
“Lauren, Marcia and I are leaving. Should I call you a cab?” Kathy, her attractive redhead receptionist with freckled skin knocked on the open door. Her curly, long hair flipped as she turned toward Marcia, her plump blond nurse, who appeared beside her.
Lauren turned to look at her best friends since high school. When Lauren applied to medical school, she tried to talk Marcia into applying as well. She had the credits and her SAT score was even higher than Lauren’s, but Marcia said becoming a doctor was not what she wanted. Her dream was to become a nurse. After graduation, she worked at a hospital and when Lauren started her practice, she joined her. Kathy never had any ambition to go to college. She was a member of a coven and enjoyed being a practicing witch. She worked at the Presbyterian Hospital with Marcia as a receptionist, and as soon as Lauren opened her practice, she joined her as well.
“No, thanks. Luke is picking me up.”
“Okay, then. I’m exhausted, it was a busy day.” Kathy sighed. “I need a hot bath and a tall margarita.”
“Me too,” Marcia laughed.
“Yes, it’s been a long, tiring day.” Lauren smiled feeling drained. “But you two made the day go smoothly, as usual.”
“Of course,” Marcia giggled. “You pay us well to do our best.”
“Shoo, get out of here and enjoy your night. See you tomorrow.”
“Goodnight,” she heard the women say in unison as they turned and walked toward the reception area through the hall. “I’ll lock the door,” Kathy yelled back.
“I’m so glad it’s Dave’s night to cook,” Lauren heard Marcia’s voice.
“You’re so lucky!” Kathy replied. “I only have my cat to keep me company on lonely nights.”
Lauren heard the front door open and Marcia’s voice again. “Why don’t you date? It’s been six months since you got rid of that leech. You should cast a love spell or something and snag a nice man.”
“Marcia, I told you many times.” Kathy raised her voice in anger. “Spells are powerful, you can’t just go and cast a love spell.”
“Alright! I was just saying. You can unruffle your feathers.”
The door closed with a thud and click. Lauren smiled and turned back toward the window. I’m glad, she got rid of that loser. He was draining her dry for years, but she clung to him. Marcia helped her to realize that he was just using her. The sharp ringtone of her phone snapped her out of her thoughts.
“Sorry, honey, I’ll be a little late. I’m stuck in traffic.” She heard her husband’s voice, muffled by the sounds of honking and the loud purr of the car engine.
“It’s okay, I have some charts and lab result to go through. I’ll order Chinese when you get here, and we’ll pick it up on the way home.”
“Sounds good, see you in a bit.”
Lauren didn’t really feel like doing paperwork and looked out the window dreamily. I’ll tell him tonight, after dinner.
Across the road in the park, there was a group of mothers with their young children. It seemed like they were all friends, spending an afternoon together, something Lauren imagined doing herself. Being out there with her son or daughter, pushing them on the swing after she’d spent her day at work seemed so rewarding. She wouldn’t want to give up her career to be a stay at home mom, and she knew Luke wouldn’t give up work either. Coming to a compromise now must be a priority, as their child was growing within her, so maybe he’d agree to hire a full-time nanny. Finally. I’ll be a mom. Lauren put her hand on her belly and couldn’t stop smiling.
Suddenly, she heard a deep, throaty kraa sound. Lauren took a deep breath. She knew what the all too familiar sound meant. Her eyes shot toward the tall oak tree across the street where the eerie sound came from. The Raven’s shiny, black eyes fixated on her and let out another loud screechy sound. Lauren’s stomach shrunk into a knot and a dreadful feeling washed over her. No! Please not again! She screamed in her mind. “Shoo!” she yelled out loud. “Nothing bad is going to happen.”
The Raven, flapped its wings, called again even louder, which sent sheer terror through Lauren’s nerves as she remembered her grandmother’s warning. “The Raven is your messenger and it warns you that something bad is about to happen which will change your life. You must perform a protection ritual and call on the Wolf spirit to protect you from harm.”
A sign of something bad coming wasn’t what she needed. Not with the happy news confirmed this morning. Lauren rushed to her desk and yanked the bottom drawer open. In there was a box with her grandmother’s spell-book, candles, and herbs.
She looked up feeling anxious when she heard the front door of her office opening. It’s too early for Luke to get here, maybe one of the girls must have forgotten something. She called out, “Is that you, Marcia, or Kathy?” Closing the drawer, not wanting anyone else to know about the family secret, Lauren stood, walking over to the door. Just before she got there someone rocketed through the door. A gloved fist in front of her face grew large and the next thing she knew she was falling backward and hit the carpet with a thud. Darkness began to envelop her when she felt an excruciatingly painful blow to the side of her head before she lost consciousness.
“Lauren, Marcia and I are leaving. Should I call you a cab?” Kathy, her attractive redhead receptionist with freckled skin knocked on the open door. Her curly, long hair flipped as she turned toward Marcia, her plump blond nurse, who appeared beside her.
Lauren turned to look at her best friends since high school. When Lauren applied to medical school, she tried to talk Marcia into applying as well. She had the credits and her SAT score was even higher than Lauren’s, but Marcia said becoming a doctor was not what she wanted. Her dream was to become a nurse. After graduation, she worked at a hospital and when Lauren started her practice, she joined her. Kathy never had any ambition to go to college. She was a member of a coven and enjoyed being a practicing witch. She worked at the Presbyterian Hospital with Marcia as a receptionist, and as soon as Lauren opened her practice, she joined her as well.
“No, thanks. Luke is picking me up.”
“Okay, then. I’m exhausted, it was a busy day.” Kathy sighed. “I need a hot bath and a tall margarita.”
“Me too,” Marcia laughed.
“Yes, it’s been a long, tiring day.” Lauren smiled feeling drained. “But you two made the day go smoothly, as usual.”
“Of course,” Marcia giggled. “You pay us well to do our best.”
“Shoo, get out of here and enjoy your night. See you tomorrow.”
“Goodnight,” she heard the women say in unison as they turned and walked toward the reception area through the hall. “I’ll lock the door,” Kathy yelled back.
“I’m so glad it’s Dave’s night to cook,” Lauren heard Marcia’s voice.
“You’re so lucky!” Kathy replied. “I only have my cat to keep me company on lonely nights.”
Lauren heard the front door open and Marcia’s voice again. “Why don’t you date? It’s been six months since you got rid of that leech. You should cast a love spell or something and snag a nice man.”
“Marcia, I told you many times.” Kathy raised her voice in anger. “Spells are powerful, you can’t just go and cast a love spell.”
“Alright! I was just saying. You can unruffle your feathers.”
The door closed with a thud and click. Lauren smiled and turned back toward the window. I’m glad, she got rid of that loser. He was draining her dry for years, but she clung to him. Marcia helped her to realize that he was just using her. The sharp ringtone of her phone snapped her out of her thoughts.
“Sorry, honey, I’ll be a little late. I’m stuck in traffic.” She heard her husband’s voice, muffled by the sounds of honking and the loud purr of the car engine.
“It’s okay, I have some charts and lab result to go through. I’ll order Chinese when you get here, and we’ll pick it up on the way home.”
“Sounds good, see you in a bit.”
Lauren didn’t really feel like doing paperwork and looked out the window dreamily. I’ll tell him tonight, after dinner.
Across the road in the park, there was a group of mothers with their young children. It seemed like they were all friends, spending an afternoon together, something Lauren imagined doing herself. Being out there with her son or daughter, pushing them on the swing after she’d spent her day at work seemed so rewarding. She wouldn’t want to give up her career to be a stay at home mom, and she knew Luke wouldn’t give up work either. Coming to a compromise now must be a priority, as their child was growing within her, so maybe he’d agree to hire a full-time nanny. Finally. I’ll be a mom. Lauren put her hand on her belly and couldn’t stop smiling.
Suddenly, she heard a deep, throaty kraa sound. Lauren took a deep breath. She knew what the all too familiar sound meant. Her eyes shot toward the tall oak tree across the street where the eerie sound came from. The Raven’s shiny, black eyes fixated on her and let out another loud screechy sound. Lauren’s stomach shrunk into a knot and a dreadful feeling washed over her. No! Please not again! She screamed in her mind. “Shoo!” she yelled out loud. “Nothing bad is going to happen.”
The Raven, flapped its wings, called again even louder, which sent sheer terror through Lauren’s nerves as she remembered her grandmother’s warning. “The Raven is your messenger and it warns you that something bad is about to happen which will change your life. You must perform a protection ritual and call on the Wolf spirit to protect you from harm.”
A sign of something bad coming wasn’t what she needed. Not with the happy news confirmed this morning. Lauren rushed to her desk and yanked the bottom drawer open. In there was a box with her grandmother’s spell-book, candles, and herbs.
She looked up feeling anxious when she heard the front door of her office opening. It’s too early for Luke to get here, maybe one of the girls must have forgotten something. She called out, “Is that you, Marcia, or Kathy?” Closing the drawer, not wanting anyone else to know about the family secret, Lauren stood, walking over to the door. Just before she got there someone rocketed through the door. A gloved fist in front of her face grew large and the next thing she knew she was falling backward and hit the carpet with a thud. Darkness began to envelop her when she felt an excruciatingly painful blow to the side of her head before she lost consciousness.
Goodreads Reviews
Heather Wamboldt rated it it was amazing
This short story is one that can be read quickly which is a good thing because it captures your interest right away and keeps you glued to the pages. It is a great supernatural about one woman's belief in her spirit guide and how that belief may save her life. The story is well written, with danger, betrayal, and suspense.
I am looking forward to more books by this author.
I read and reviewed this book with no obligation.
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Heather Bane rated it it was amazing
This book grabbed my attention from the very beginning. The story is very well written. This was a really hard book to put down. I will definitely be reading more from this author. I would recommend reading this book.
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
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Pat Eroh rated it it was amazing
Well, now I have a new author that is among my very favorites! This is a really compelling story that absolutely had me shaking in my boots! I could not put this book down until the end and then, I had trouble sleeping. I am hoping for more by this author.
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
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Lesley Hewitt rated it really liked it
A nice little book
Raven messengers, witches and an unhappy marriage. Friends that make better enemies and romance. I enjoyed this book but felt it could have had more to it so four stars.
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Rachel Benham rated it it was amazing
Great short read. The story line was good and the characters were well written. To love someone and have them betray you is the worst. I am so happy Lauren got her happy ending.
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
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Dawn Milligan rated it it was amazing
This is a well written short story I enjoyed the characters and story line it's fast paced and well done.
This short story is one that can be read quickly which is a good thing because it captures your interest right away and keeps you glued to the pages. It is a great supernatural about one woman's belief in her spirit guide and how that belief may save her life. The story is well written, with danger, betrayal, and suspense.
I am looking forward to more books by this author.
I read and reviewed this book with no obligation.
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Heather Bane rated it it was amazing
This book grabbed my attention from the very beginning. The story is very well written. This was a really hard book to put down. I will definitely be reading more from this author. I would recommend reading this book.
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
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Pat Eroh rated it it was amazing
Well, now I have a new author that is among my very favorites! This is a really compelling story that absolutely had me shaking in my boots! I could not put this book down until the end and then, I had trouble sleeping. I am hoping for more by this author.
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
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Lesley Hewitt rated it really liked it
A nice little book
Raven messengers, witches and an unhappy marriage. Friends that make better enemies and romance. I enjoyed this book but felt it could have had more to it so four stars.
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Rachel Benham rated it it was amazing
Great short read. The story line was good and the characters were well written. To love someone and have them betray you is the worst. I am so happy Lauren got her happy ending.
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
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Dawn Milligan rated it it was amazing
This is a well written short story I enjoyed the characters and story line it's fast paced and well done.
Amazon Reviews
H. Bane
5.0 out of 5 starsLoved this book
November 19, 2019
Format: Kindle Edition
This book grabbed my attention from the very beginning. The story is very well written. This was a really hard book to put down. I will definitely be reading more from this author. I would recommend reading this book.
People at Slate R. Raven
5.0 out of 5 starsWhat could be a better way out of this reality!
November 5, 2019
Format: Kindle Edition
From the first chapter I was drawn into the book. Every time I needed to do something else, I ran late... because putting the book down was so rough! The intricate weave created by the author is breathtaking. I’ll definitely be watching for further work by Erika M. Szabo. If you enjoy reading, this is a must have for your collection
Dr. Patricia Eroh
5.0 out of 5 starsawesome thriller
November 11, 2019
Format: Kindle Edition
Well, now I have a new author that is among my very favorites! This is a really compelling story that absolutely had me shaking in my boots! I could not put this book down until the end and then, I had trouble sleeping. I am hoping for more by this author.
Rachel Benham
5.0 out of 5 starsGreat read
November 18, 2019
Format: Kindle Edition
Great short read. The story line was good and the characters were well written. To love someone and have them betray you is the worst. I am so happy Lauren got her happy ending.
5.0 out of 5 starsLoved this book
November 19, 2019
Format: Kindle Edition
This book grabbed my attention from the very beginning. The story is very well written. This was a really hard book to put down. I will definitely be reading more from this author. I would recommend reading this book.
People at Slate R. Raven
5.0 out of 5 starsWhat could be a better way out of this reality!
November 5, 2019
Format: Kindle Edition
From the first chapter I was drawn into the book. Every time I needed to do something else, I ran late... because putting the book down was so rough! The intricate weave created by the author is breathtaking. I’ll definitely be watching for further work by Erika M. Szabo. If you enjoy reading, this is a must have for your collection
Dr. Patricia Eroh
5.0 out of 5 starsawesome thriller
November 11, 2019
Format: Kindle Edition
Well, now I have a new author that is among my very favorites! This is a really compelling story that absolutely had me shaking in my boots! I could not put this book down until the end and then, I had trouble sleeping. I am hoping for more by this author.
Rachel Benham
5.0 out of 5 starsGreat read
November 18, 2019
Format: Kindle Edition
Great short read. The story line was good and the characters were well written. To love someone and have them betray you is the worst. I am so happy Lauren got her happy ending.
Audiobook reviews
Overall 5 out of 5 stars
Nice short storyI enjoy these shorter stories. The Author did a good job with the storyline. and it was an easy and enjoyable listen. The Narration was well presented and the words were spoken clearly. Thanks! ♥️
Overall 5 out of 5 stars
Brenda Allen
Great short story
This is a good book. Glad that it ended in a good way. Love witch books. I highly recommend Erika M Szabo books she is a great author.
Overall 5 out of 5 stars
Great short storyReally good story of overcoming deception and betrayal. I look forward to checking out more works by the author and narrator.
Overall 5 out of 5 stars
Supernatural story
A very well written supernatural thriller! Well narrated too. I really enjoyed this audiobook.
I was given a copy of this audiobook in return for my unbiased opinion
Overall 5 out of 5 stars
Great short storyI enjoyed this short story. Like others I do wish it were longer. Has a lot of promise to expand to a longer story. I would love to hear more about the family’s history and connection with the crows and how it continues through generations.
Overall 4 out of 5 stars
Michelle Lee
Great short story
I really liked the story. Time is short these days, and I find short stories easier to listen to.
Overall 5 out of 5 stars
So many betrayals and so close to the heart was devastating. Greed and jealousy equal evil. A good outcome amidst all the evil. I voluntarily listened to a free copy of this and am giving an honest review. The narrator was good.
Overall 5 out of 5 stars
Dawn A
Loved it!
Loved it... Just wish it was a little bit longer than a hour. Great storyline.
Overall 5 out of 5 stars
This was an excellent short story! Lauren only wants a baby with her husband. She is attacked the day she finds out she is pregnant. Laura Krouch was a fine narrator. I was given this free review copy audiobook at my request and have voluntarily left this review.'
Overall 5 out of 5 stars
Kandice C.
This is a well written, intriguing story that is a suspenseful paranormal thriller. Lauren is a very relatable character that I really enjoyed. My only wish was that the story was longer.
The narrator has a nice clear and understandable voice. She does a great job of bringing each character to life.
Nice short storyI enjoy these shorter stories. The Author did a good job with the storyline. and it was an easy and enjoyable listen. The Narration was well presented and the words were spoken clearly. Thanks! ♥️
Overall 5 out of 5 stars
Brenda Allen
Great short story
This is a good book. Glad that it ended in a good way. Love witch books. I highly recommend Erika M Szabo books she is a great author.
Overall 5 out of 5 stars
Great short storyReally good story of overcoming deception and betrayal. I look forward to checking out more works by the author and narrator.
Overall 5 out of 5 stars
Supernatural story
A very well written supernatural thriller! Well narrated too. I really enjoyed this audiobook.
I was given a copy of this audiobook in return for my unbiased opinion
Overall 5 out of 5 stars
Great short storyI enjoyed this short story. Like others I do wish it were longer. Has a lot of promise to expand to a longer story. I would love to hear more about the family’s history and connection with the crows and how it continues through generations.
Overall 4 out of 5 stars
Michelle Lee
Great short story
I really liked the story. Time is short these days, and I find short stories easier to listen to.
Overall 5 out of 5 stars
So many betrayals and so close to the heart was devastating. Greed and jealousy equal evil. A good outcome amidst all the evil. I voluntarily listened to a free copy of this and am giving an honest review. The narrator was good.
Overall 5 out of 5 stars
Dawn A
Loved it!
Loved it... Just wish it was a little bit longer than a hour. Great storyline.
Overall 5 out of 5 stars
This was an excellent short story! Lauren only wants a baby with her husband. She is attacked the day she finds out she is pregnant. Laura Krouch was a fine narrator. I was given this free review copy audiobook at my request and have voluntarily left this review.'
Overall 5 out of 5 stars
Kandice C.
This is a well written, intriguing story that is a suspenseful paranormal thriller. Lauren is a very relatable character that I really enjoyed. My only wish was that the story was longer.
The narrator has a nice clear and understandable voice. She does a great job of bringing each character to life.