YA supernatural fantasy in English & SpanishThis story came about unexpectedly. I was uncertain of the precise definition of "acolyte," so I searched for it. The word brought to mind images of potions and sorcery, particularly benevolent spells. This sparked an idea: what if a spiteful young woman creates a love potion? And from there, the story began to take shape in my imagination.
"I loved this book which mixes magic with teenage emotions and trials. " "Well written with heartwarming characters, The Potion is a gem of a story." Chapter Three Candice watched Olivia and Dorian for months as their close friendship grew into more. She did everything she could think of to get his attention, yet he didn’t show any interest in her. One day she watched them kissing and holding hands as they walked to the parking space at the Coven. It should be me kissing him! she screamed in her mind with jealous rage. She couldn’t take it anymore. Bitter jealousy gnawed at her insides, and she knew what she was going to do. I’m going to make him love me! She let the jealous thoughts and feelings stew inside her mind as she rushed home in a fury of anger and sorrow. Why did he have to like her? In her haste, she opened her grandmother’s spellbook and flipped through the pages. She was warned by the High Priestess not to use magic for her own gain, but she didn’t care and planned to do it anyway. Although she knew she would be kicked out of the Coven and lose her chance of becoming a Ravenwood witch if they found out, she couldn’t care less at this point—she wanted Dorian. She knew her grandmother would be late, busy with the Witches Council meeting, so she flipped through the pages looking for the love spell that would make Dorian fall in love with her. When she found it, she opened her grandmother’s cabinet and gathered the ingredients. Pink sunrise rose petals, she read the instructions. Where are those damned rose petals? she murmured, rummaging through jars and bottles. Here it is! She grabbed the jar hiding behind books on the bottom shelf. She yanked out the glass cork and looked inside. But these are not pink. They’re brownish-colored. Duh, these petals are dry. They lost the original color in the drying process. She added three petals to the brew and concentrated on Dorian as the potion bubbled. When it was done, she cast the spell thinking about how he’d fall madly in love with her. I pray to thee, O Goddess Aphrodite, Make him love me. Make his love strong and true. She finished reciting the spell and poured the potion into a glass bottle. Next, she made the cupcake batter as the spellbook instructions said and added the potion to the batter. She set the oven, baked the cupcakes, and when they cooled, she piped the prepared frosting on top. She hid the cupcakes in her room and cleaned up the kitchen. By the time her grandmother got home, she was in bed. All she had to do was make him take a bite the next day. The potion took a night to set, at least that’s what the spell book had said. The next day on her way to school, Candice took a detour over to Dorian’s house. She fantasized about after graduation when Dorian would be madly in love with her and ask her to marry him. They would find a charming house in the woods, secluded but not haunted or creepy, unlike her grandma’s old Victorian house. She parked her car further up the street and walked to Dorian’s house. She hid behind the oak tree across from his house and waited for him. She imagined his dark hair and blue eyes as he would greet her, and she would hand him the cupcake. Once he eats it, we’ll live happily ever after. When Candice saw him closing the front door, she started walking and, casually, as if she’d just noticed him, called out, “Hey, Dorian.” “Oh, hey, Candice. I haven’t seen you in a while. You live on the other side of town; what are you doing here? Where is your car?” he asked, surprised. “Grandma asked me to drop off some cupcakes at her friend’s house, and I decided to walk. It’s not that far. I saved a few cupcakes; do you want one? It’s lemon poppy with vanilla frosting.” She smiled at him while opening the box. “Thanks! Those are my favorites.” He picked a cupcake from the box and took a big bite. “This is really good,” he mumbled with his mouth full and licked the frosting off his lips. “Thank you. I made it.” Candice smiled with eyebrows raised. She waited impatiently to find out if the potion had worked, but she wasn’t prepared for his unexpected reaction. Suddenly, Dorian swayed on his feet and grabbed her arm, mumbling, “I feel… dizzy.” His knees buckled; his body turned limp, and his eyes rolled back as he fell hard onto the sidewalk. Candice screamed as she knelt beside him and quickly yanked out her cell phone from her back pocket, dialing 911. “911, what is your emergency?” “My friend. He passed out!” “Is he breathing, miss?” “Dorian? Dorian!” Candice shook his shoulder gently at first and then forcefully. “He’s breathing but not responding… He hit his head pretty hard on the sidewalk.” “Where are you located?” Candice gave the address to the dispatcher and waited on the phone until the ambulance got there. What have I done? I must’ve put the wrong ingredient in the potion, she cried. She sat on the concrete sidewalk beside Dorian, holding his hand in shock. What the hell have I done?
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