Snippets from the storyJoin Ava Jenson on vacation in her grandmother’s old country when all mysterious events are connected to an ancient legend about a cursed church bell. Ava Jenson sighed as she glanced over the travel brochure for the impressive resort in Siofok, Hungary. Hotel Azur overlooking Lake Balaton with an elegant glass facade looked inviting. It had a spa, an outdoor café and a five-star restaurant. She’d always wanted to visit Hungary as her grandmother was born there and immigrated to the US as a young woman. Her stories always fascinated Ava, but her husband for ten long years had refused the idea of a European vacation and always bullied her into doing what he liked. It’d been five years since her nasty divorce, and she was finally ready to venture out on her own. She hadn’t had a vacation since then and with so much unused vacation time from her job at the boutique, she decided to make it a two-week stay. Sipping her coffee, she remembered what the travel agent told her about Lake Balaton's clean water and the striking emerald-green color due to its chemical composition. It’s heavy in carbonates and sulfates, and there are also around 2000 species of algae that grow in its waters. Ava phoned the travel agent; she’d made her payment and was all set to go at the end of the month. The two weeks flew by fast, and after nine hours of an exhausting overnight flight, she arrived in Budapest. The two-hour taxi ride to Siofok was pleasant with the chatty driver who entertained her with local legends as he drove toward Lake Balaton. Ava trailed behind the porter who carried her luggage on a huge cart down the long hallway covered with lush red carpet. She tipped him and threw herself on the bed, arms outstretched. “I can’t believe I’m here!” she said, her head turned toward the large sliding glass doors that overlooked the calm water of the lake. She marveled at the classy pool that showcased the many tables and lounge chairs with oversized umbrellas. She could just picture herself lying out there getting some well-needed sun. But first, lunch, she thought smiling when her stomach rumbled. With a quick trip to the bathroom, she washed her face and applied some light makeup. She piled her long blonde hair into an updo and changed into a knee-length black cocktail dress. This should be fine for a five-star eatery, she thought as she glanced at her slim figure in the bathroom mirror. After a delicious lunch of stuffed cabbage rolls and Gundel pancake for dessert, she returned to her room ready for a few hours of rest. Feeling exhausted, she slept through the afternoon and night, and the following morning she ordered room service and ate as she perused the booklet in her room that featured various places of interest to see in the area. She dressed comfortably and decided to book the historical tour in the village of Tihany. The resort shuttle promptly left at 10 a.m. She had to quicken her step to catch it before it left without her. Taking a backseat on the shuttle allowed her to have some privacy and reflect on how blessed she felt at the moment to be able to take this trip. She joined the group after departing the shuttle to listen to the guide who explained the schedule for the day and the time she’d need to be back at the bus. Glancing at her feet thought, Glad I packed these old sneakers. They’ll get some good use today. The tour of the huge Benedictine Abbey that was built in 1055 was the first stop, and its beauty was overwhelming, not to mention its size. Ava took several photos before they had moved deeper into the village where she was looking forward to shopping in the various pottery shops and having lunch in one of the quaint outdoor cafés. The tour had exhausted her and even though it was almost dinnertime she took a well-needed nap on the comfy king-size bed. Opening her eyes, she glanced over at the clock on the bedside table. "Six O’clock already? This clean air and walking all day are doing me good!” She headed to the shower and then to the closet to select a dress that would be appropriate for the dining area. Hmm, this red cocktail dress is just the ticket. Red has always seemed to give me more energy. A few stares were quite noticeable as she entered the stunning outdoor restaurant with a beautiful fountain in the center of the seating area. The hostess led her over to a table close to the fountain. Strings of small outdoor lights were strung along the walls making the alfresco area seem almost magical. After ordering a glass of white wine she read the menu and couldn’t help but notice a loud but friendly-looking young couple who had taken the table next to her. They had a pile of brochures and other literature that they had brought to their table along with a camera. The young redhead turned to the hostess. “I’m sorry, ma’am. We don’t mean to be so loud but we’re nature photographers and so excited to be here. If we take a few shots of this gorgeous outdoor patio, please forgive us.” The hostess smiled and waved her hand to dismiss the woman’s apology. “No problem at all. Enjoy your stay,” she said. The waitress took Ava’s order and asked if anyone would be joining her. “No. I’ll be dining alone,” she stated with a sad smile. The young redhead stared at her for a second with a sympathetic look and walked over to her table. “Sorry to bother you, I just heard you speak English. My name is Tessa Jergenson. My husband over there is Kevin. We are professional photographers and are here to take photos of the wildlife in the marsh, especially the birds. The Small Balaton is a huge wetland habitat that is unique in Europe. We’re planning to go down to the river Zala delta tomorrow.” “Hello, I’m Ava. I hope you’ll enjoy your adventure to the wetland. I prefer to relax and enjoy a quiet two weeks in the comfort of the hotel,” she laughed. Tessa took her hand. “We’re so excited! The wetland has a large population of plant and animal species such as bee-eaters, cranes, and marvelous herons. The Small-Balaton area is also rich in other species of animals. European pond turtles, otters, ermine, martens, various species of dragonflies, and about 30 species of fish. Also, numerous species of orchids can be found there. Oh, sorry for bugging you, but I’m so excited about the trip and we can’t find too many people who speak English.” “No bother at all!” Ava assured the chatty young woman. “Enjoy your adventure.” Tessa returned to her table and whispered to her husband that she felt a tone of loneliness in Ava’s voice. “Maybe we should invite her to join us tomorrow,” she suggested while picking up a menu. Kevin nodded. “She didn’t sound like she’d be into that sort of thing.” Ava couldn’t help but overhear their muted conversation. Hmm, so I see they feel sorry for me. I should put on a happy face, but no. I did that way too many times when I was married. After dinner Ava took a stroll around the grounds, admiring the lush vegetation and colored lights that lit up the pool area. A strong breeze had picked up and she rubbed her arms trying to erase the goosebumps. The all-so-familiar odd feeling came over her that always warned her of impending danger. Perhaps it just signals a normal storm this time. I hope... She headed back to her room to turn in for the night. Right before she climbed under the covers, she looked at the other brochures, one featuring the Water Tower in the village's main square. She thought that if the storm was coming, she may not be able to do the tour. Maybe that’s what that feeling was I had out there and nothing more. However, the uneasy feeling stayed with her and made her think of the countless disasters, accidents, and people getting hurt that followed after she experienced those eerie feelings. She sighed and after looking through another brochure she became drowsy and quickly fell into a deep sleep. The loud sound of the church bell had awakened Ava out of her deep slumber and the foul smell of rotten eggs filled her nose. She sat up in bed startled and nauseous. The clock showed 6 a.m. Is there a fire? Perhaps here they sound the church bell instead of the fire alarm, she thought as she rose quickly to look out of the large glass doors. She saw a large plume of black smoke engulfing the back pool area. She quickly threw on her robe and made it to the lobby to see what had happened. Read the full story in the anthologyMysteries of the Wetland by Erika M Szabo and Lorraine Carey Join Ava Jenson on vacation in her grandmother’s old country when all mysterious events are connected to an ancient legend about a cursed church bell. The Zanna by David W. Thompson A potential stepmother and stepdaughter seek common ground at the family's rustic retreat. Will the past return to haunt them? Only Zanna knows... Forbidden Love by Erika M Szabo They knew their love was forbidden, but they couldn't help the way they felt. Their love for each other was too strong to ignore. A Well-kept Home by Toi Thomas Everyone knows how special the Fields Family Farm is. Some say it’s haunted. Some say it’s enchanted. But only those who dare to stay the night really know. Don’t Whistle Back by Erika M Szabo Milena visits her grandfather in Mexico and wonders why he has a rope with seven knots tied to the door. She finds out soon enough! J.A.C.K.S. by R. A. “Doc” Correa. What is a human? According to the cybernetically enhanced officers of the U. S. Army’s Joint Advanced Combat Knowledge System program, they are the only real humans. She Decided to Be a Vampire by Erika M Szabo Every kid in town knew that old Mrs. Robbins was a vampire. What they didn’t know and are about to find out, will change their lives forever. T’is Was The Night by Alan Zacher This Christmas tale is about a family coming to “terms” with the alleged existence of Mo-Mo, aka, “The Missouri Monster”; aka, their own Bigfoot. W.I.DG.E.T.S. by R. A. “Doc” Correa The U. S. Army pursues the technologies “improving” Soldier-Machine Interface for Future Combat Systems. What are the consequences for humans? The Unlucky Number Four by Erika M Szabo In China, the number four sounds like the word death, making the number highly unlucky. Hua is the fourth child in her family. Push by David W. Thompson Leona is a missing mother and Sergeant James is on the hunt. When family secrets are revealed, he must find her, or it will be the cadaver dog's turn. Bravery Has a Price by Erika M Szabo and Lorraine Carey After boasting to her twin brothers that she is braver than they are, Emma immediately regrets it. Is proving her courage worth the price she must pay? The stories in book twoLost in the Woods by Erika M Szabo
A young police officer enters the woods to find a missing woman, but it takes all her mental strength to deal with what she finds. She Waits by Lorraine Carey During a class field trip to a historical site in the Caribbean, a curious student encounters a lonely ghost who does not want her to leave. The Treasures of Grandma’s Attic by Erika M Szabo Sixteenth birthdays are special, but something they find in Grandma’s attic will make sure they’ll never forget this party. Church of the Sentient System Ascendant by R.A, “Doc” Correa A civil servant who is deeply devoted to his faith. By accident, he learns the truth about his religion, and the malevolent A.I. behind it. Genie in the Sporran by Erika M Szabo A device cloaked as an everyday item makes all your wishes come true. But Blair and Rhona find out the hard way that everything has a price. I Scarecrow by Alan Zacher A troubled man is cursed by a gypsy woman, and the scarecrow he built makes his wishes come true. All is good, but he might get more than he bargained for. Don’t Look Out the Window by S.S. Bazinet Growing up in a house with a cursed window, Hank has to find the courage to look out its glass panes, even if it kills him. The Spirit of The Rattlesnake by S. M. Revolinski In the spring of 1889, civilization with railroads and cattle ranches moved into Wyoming. However, the Indian Spirit was not finished. Into this, Alice Potter begins her trek. Will You Wait for Me? By Erika M Szabo and Lorraine Carey Fate gave her one year of happy marriage, but although losing her husband and unborn child devastated Gladys, she'd find a way to live a full life. Will they meet again?
1 Comment
Lorraine Carey
6/28/2024 08:52:32
I am honored to be a part of these amazing Anthologies. I'm most excited for Book 3!
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